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Referral Service Registration Form

Help with finding a suitable Counsellor or Psychotherapist.

Low Cost Counselling Service

Our low cost counselling service aims to increase access to therapy.

Our Approach

Our Approach

We become who we are by relating to others.  In many lives these relationships have become in some way derailed. Dialogical Psychotherapy allows the resumption of this developmental relationship, now, in safe circumstances, between the client and therapist.

We integrate many theories and practices. The Humanistic belief is that given the right conditions humans are naturally healthy. Into this we incorporate the Psychoanalytic concerns with human development and the childhood patterns that still affect us. These theories are held lightly within our practice of what is often referred to as Dialogical Psychotherapy, whose central emphasis is on the relationship between therapist and client.

BCPC’S Core Values

We recognise and encourage the unfolding of human potential in therapy, education and beyond.

We encourage the potential of the individual in becoming more real, in touch with his / her core or true self, and internally connected. We respect the other’s reality and ability to choose how to be and to act. For us, acceptance is prior to judgment and discrimination. We see experience as coming before skills, theoretical understanding and wisdom. In our relating, neither theory nor technique should impede an existential meeting. Truth is uncovered, perhaps created, by the relationship in therapy, not by the practitioner’s theories. To honour these values requires the risk and struggle of wholehearted engagement. In our work we value a holistic approach that involves and links mind, body and spirit. We recognise the importance of spiritual and cultural sources and traditions as well as the teachings of counselling and psychotherapy.

We wish to work with whoever seeks our help and will not exclude people on the basis of their race, colour, nationality, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, gender, class, age, HIV status, disability or having dependants. 

BCPC Referral Service Registration Form

Thank you for contacting the BCPC Referral Service. Please answer the following questions to help us find you a suitable therapist. This information will be anonymised and circulated to our network of BCPC trained counsellors and psychotherapists and our counsellors and psychotherapists in training to see who thinks they could work with you and has availability.

Please do not give very detailed personal information on this form, just give a few brief details of the area you feel you need support with.

If you have any questions about confidentiality or any other aspect of completing this form, please contact the Referral Service Coordinator on 07907 771 612 or email

Affordable therapy options are also on offer for those on a low income. Please click here to access our Low Cost Counselling Service.

Need Help or Information?

Counselling and Psychotherapy can help you change your life for the better.

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